Our services

Pre and post test genetic counselling.

We currently offer both pre and post test genetic counselling to anyone seeking more information.

The ordering of a genetic test will need to be in conjunction with your health care provider as genetic counsellors are not legally allowed to order such tests on their own.

Pre test genetic counselling may be mandatory when requesting some types of genetic testing or in some regions within the Asia Pacific.

Post test genetic counselling allows further discussion about results and appropriate ‘next steps’ depending on the outcome.

Help your patients by ensuring they are well informed.

Every year, health care providers are stretched more and more. The availability of genetic testing is no secret and patients are likely to be requesting these more frequently.

Only a small number of referrals made to public genetic services will result in an appointment for the patient. We know that patients who do not meet the criteria for genetic testing within the public system (and therefore are often not offered an appointment) still have very valid concerns that would be well addressed by a genetic counsellor.

Let us add value to your clinic and your patient care by working alongside you to support your patients. We can help clarify who would be eligible for referral and possible testing through the public health system and who may benefit from an alternative pathway. Let us bridge the gap together.