I am a patient

How can a genetic counsellor help me?

Genetic testing results can be likened to a single puzzle piece. In isolation, it can be hard to see how they fit. Interpreting a test result requires consideration of the bigger picture. Genetic counsellors often ask questions about your personal or family history as they try to pull together more pieces of the puzzle. Sometimes the test result is the final piece leading to a specific diagnosis. This in itself can be hard to adapt to. Sometimes the test result does not solve the puzzle. This uncertainty can be frustrating.

Don’t let the word ‘counsellor’ in the title put you off! We:

  • breakdown complex information

  • encourage you to ask those burning questions without fear of judgement - no question is “too silly” or “a waste of time”

  • hold space for you to share concerns regarding your own health or that of your extended family

  • provide a safe environment to help you find clarity in the midst of uncertainty

    At The Genes Talk, we offer this in the comfort of your own surroundings at a time that best suits your busy schedule.